At last Skyler reaches his 6th mth! This is an impt mark for him. He would be switching from stage 1 fm to stage 2. Officially he can start on his semi-solid (in fact i have already started him on fruit puree for a week +). His milestone for this mth:
- Able to sit up independently
- Able to pull himself into a sitting position
- Likes avocado and papaya puree (havent try the rest yet)
- Likes organic brown rice cereal
- Able to recognise me and wan me to carry when he sees me
- Sometimes able to "crawl" forward, but most of the time, he moved backwards lol
- At 1 week short of 6 mths, he weighs 7.5kg and measure 65.5cm (50 percentile for both). On a suprising side, his head circumference is only at 25 percentile when we always tot that he has got a big head! lol..
- Now he will hold his own bottle when drinking, except during df-ing when he is half asleep and tends to let go of his bottle.
Happy half yr old baby :)