Merry Christmas everyone!!! After > 2 yrs, I m finally sleeping back on my own bed back at my mom's place!! Feels so great to be back! Nothing beats the feeling of being home, doted on n well taken care of.
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Lazy me
Posted by
on Tuesday, November 29, 2011
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Die, I m getting lazier n lazier to update my blog. Trying to tell myself blog it! Blog it! But by the time I settle Skyler into bed every night, the serial shows online are calling for me, demanding me to watch them! Lol... Funsion won over blogspot so here I m with lesser n lesser blog post each mth.
ok back to updates abt me. Have been in my new co for almost a mth. Lots of things to learn n my boss is slowly showing her "pattern". Hopefully she is not as bad as I feel she is. Still need time to get to know her n her working style.
On a happier note, I m looking fwd to dec! It wld be a super busy month for me in terms of work as well as parties! We r currently changing acctg system thus there r lots of checking to do n in addition to tat, auditors r coming in! This would be My first time being audited. Lol i m now at the other side of the field. Party wise, I have 5 Christmas parties to attend! Lots of Christmas presents to buy too!! Broke, broke, broke, broke...anyway, Christmas is the time for giving n sharing isn't it? :)
Lastly, greetings from skyler (getting more n more cheeky nowadays)

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ok back to updates abt me. Have been in my new co for almost a mth. Lots of things to learn n my boss is slowly showing her "pattern". Hopefully she is not as bad as I feel she is. Still need time to get to know her n her working style.
On a happier note, I m looking fwd to dec! It wld be a super busy month for me in terms of work as well as parties! We r currently changing acctg system thus there r lots of checking to do n in addition to tat, auditors r coming in! This would be My first time being audited. Lol i m now at the other side of the field. Party wise, I have 5 Christmas parties to attend! Lots of Christmas presents to buy too!! Broke, broke, broke, broke...anyway, Christmas is the time for giving n sharing isn't it? :)
Lastly, greetings from skyler (getting more n more cheeky nowadays)
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HK trip
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on Sunday, November 06, 2011
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I know I should blog abt my HK trip, but I m sssooo lazy to do so! Give me another week k. Enjoying my long weekend now. :p
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Rest & Relax
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on Wednesday, October 12, 2011
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Today is day 4 of being jobless @ job in transit. Been gg out with Skyler everyday since sat. Sat-Skyler's round 2 of PS. Sun - Bb Zouk, Mon - Shopping with Skyler n today, brought him to JG's trial class. Tml is gg to be ME TIME! Gg for massage n shopping alone! Within these 3 weeks of rest period, I needa fit in 4 weddings n 3 trips; cruise, hong kong n staycation at sentosa. Other days are scheduled to meetup with frens. 3 weeks are really not enough man. But I m more than happy to have the 3 weeks to spend time with Skyler. He totally enjoyed his first Zouk experience, dancing on the stage.

Looking hip huh. :p
As for JG, I think it's over-rated. The class we went for is pure play. Nothing academic at all. Feel tat bibinogs is better. It's similar to JG in terms of lesson structure but at least there r things to learn. Wat JG does in class, I can jolly do it at home myself.

went to the trial with Nathan

Ok to be fair, at least they have art work. This is something which MLG doesn't have.
Hope I won't have serious post holiday blues when i start work in Nov. Looking fwd to my trips :)
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Looking hip huh. :p
As for JG, I think it's over-rated. The class we went for is pure play. Nothing academic at all. Feel tat bibinogs is better. It's similar to JG in terms of lesson structure but at least there r things to learn. Wat JG does in class, I can jolly do it at home myself.
went to the trial with Nathan
Ok to be fair, at least they have art work. This is something which MLG doesn't have.
Hope I won't have serious post holiday blues when i start work in Nov. Looking fwd to my trips :)
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Amazing ppl
Posted by
on Tuesday, September 20, 2011
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It really amazed me how one can gossip behind one's back so fiercely n yet acted so friendly in front of tat person. These ppl really disgust me n I wonder If they did gossip abt me behind my back!?
On a happier note , Skyler been calling me MaMa more clearly n frequent now =D
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On a happier note , Skyler been calling me MaMa more clearly n frequent now =D
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Changes in life
Posted by
on Friday, September 16, 2011
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Recently there are quite a few changes in my life. Some are devastating (but we have since learnt to move on and hope for the best) and some are lifestyle arrangements n some are career related.
I have stopped breastfeeding completely on the 2nd week if August. I can finally say bye bye to waking up at 530am to pump but at the same time, I m saying hello to fats! Yes, I can see the significant increase in fats on my tummy n hips area... -_-" oh well, it's time for exercise. So bye bye pump n hello hula hoop!
Next, I have also started Skyler on a weekly right brain development class back in Jul. Some of you might bs thinking tat I m very KS to start Skyler on class so young. But being a full time working mom, I m not able to spend much time teaching him things during the weekdays. So hopefully by attending classes conducted by trained professional teachers, Skyler can at least absorb a bit? Anyway, it's only 1hr per lesson per week. He still has the rest of the 6 days n 23 hrs to eat, sleep n play. So I m not depriving him of his childhood right. Mind u, these classes doesn't come cheap. I have just signed him for the 2nd school term which would start in oct till Jan. :p His class is on Sunday morning 9am, so I dun get to sleep in on weekends too.
And finally, I have tendered!! Yes! After 7 yrs in KPMG, I feel tat tat is quite enough. It's time for me to venture out n see what I m worth in the commercial sector. Went for interview for 1 company n I got the job. I was quite happy as i didnt expect it to be so easy. Remember the time after graduating from uni , the no of mths n interviews tat I went thru before finally securing a job. So stepping into KPMG was really a wise move. At least I m worth something in the job market now. My new employer actually offered me a higher pay than wat I have stated in my asking pay. They say they dun wanna short change me for giving me a lower pay. They wanna pay wat I m worth . Actually I didn't ask for too much increment from my current salary taking into consideration tat I have left the audit function for 1 yr n in this 1 yr, I m doing non Accts related job. But of cos I m happy tat my new employer is so generous to increase my pay automatically. But I guess, with increase salary, higher position , it would of course means more responsibilities n bigger challengers. Just hope tat I m not itchy backside n wont regret leaving my comfort zone to take up more "shit".
Gg have a short break first before starting on the other side. Gg spend more time with my precious before diving head in into my new job scope. Oh ya, n we r gg for a short overseas trip to HK, of cos bring Skyler along too. It wld be his first flight. Hope he won't fuss too much while on the plane.
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I have stopped breastfeeding completely on the 2nd week if August. I can finally say bye bye to waking up at 530am to pump but at the same time, I m saying hello to fats! Yes, I can see the significant increase in fats on my tummy n hips area... -_-" oh well, it's time for exercise. So bye bye pump n hello hula hoop!
Next, I have also started Skyler on a weekly right brain development class back in Jul. Some of you might bs thinking tat I m very KS to start Skyler on class so young. But being a full time working mom, I m not able to spend much time teaching him things during the weekdays. So hopefully by attending classes conducted by trained professional teachers, Skyler can at least absorb a bit? Anyway, it's only 1hr per lesson per week. He still has the rest of the 6 days n 23 hrs to eat, sleep n play. So I m not depriving him of his childhood right. Mind u, these classes doesn't come cheap. I have just signed him for the 2nd school term which would start in oct till Jan. :p His class is on Sunday morning 9am, so I dun get to sleep in on weekends too.
And finally, I have tendered!! Yes! After 7 yrs in KPMG, I feel tat tat is quite enough. It's time for me to venture out n see what I m worth in the commercial sector. Went for interview for 1 company n I got the job. I was quite happy as i didnt expect it to be so easy. Remember the time after graduating from uni , the no of mths n interviews tat I went thru before finally securing a job. So stepping into KPMG was really a wise move. At least I m worth something in the job market now. My new employer actually offered me a higher pay than wat I have stated in my asking pay. They say they dun wanna short change me for giving me a lower pay. They wanna pay wat I m worth . Actually I didn't ask for too much increment from my current salary taking into consideration tat I have left the audit function for 1 yr n in this 1 yr, I m doing non Accts related job. But of cos I m happy tat my new employer is so generous to increase my pay automatically. But I guess, with increase salary, higher position , it would of course means more responsibilities n bigger challengers. Just hope tat I m not itchy backside n wont regret leaving my comfort zone to take up more "shit".
Gg have a short break first before starting on the other side. Gg spend more time with my precious before diving head in into my new job scope. Oh ya, n we r gg for a short overseas trip to HK, of cos bring Skyler along too. It wld be his first flight. Hope he won't fuss too much while on the plane.
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Pea brain
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on Thursday, September 15, 2011
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Some ppl just has pea brain. Say so many times but it just dun get registered in their miserable brain. After that still dare to be angry and said why can't they ask when I have told them the same thing for at least 5 times in a short span of 10 mins. When u wan to ask the same qn so many times, then get prepare to get irritated answers!!!
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Die, I m getting lazier n lazier to update my blog. Been gg out alot recently. With Skyler of cos n by the time I m back home, I m dead tired.
When for Skyler's photoshoot yesterday. It's a complementary shoot from F8 Angels as Allison won an award from 1 of the maternity shoot pic which she took for us last year. This time round, it's the grp babies! Imagine just yr they r all in our tum tum but now, all out n running n crawling ard!
The shoot was a bit chaos with 8 babies refusing to sit still lol. After 1.5 hrs n much coaxing , the shoot was done.

while waiting for the rest to arrive

look at my sword !!

Giddee up horsey!

The group shoot- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
When for Skyler's photoshoot yesterday. It's a complementary shoot from F8 Angels as Allison won an award from 1 of the maternity shoot pic which she took for us last year. This time round, it's the grp babies! Imagine just yr they r all in our tum tum but now, all out n running n crawling ard!
The shoot was a bit chaos with 8 babies refusing to sit still lol. After 1.5 hrs n much coaxing , the shoot was done.
while waiting for the rest to arrive
look at my sword !!
Giddee up horsey!
The group shoot- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Cooking day
Posted by
on Sunday, July 31, 2011
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Today is cooking day. Tried new recipe for Skyler's breakfast n dinner.

Pancakes in the making

Served with apple juice

Verdict - Skyler didn't like it alot cos he didn't finish it. Might be due to the fact tat it's not sweet as I didn't give him maple syrup. Hmm think next round I will add in some smashed fruits
Dinner is paste with mushroom n self blend tomato sauce

Place a slice of cheese on top

Toast it

And ta-da! It's yummy!!

Satisfied customer

My dinner :) self fry
Pancakes in the making
Served with apple juice
Verdict - Skyler didn't like it alot cos he didn't finish it. Might be due to the fact tat it's not sweet as I didn't give him maple syrup. Hmm think next round I will add in some smashed fruits
Dinner is paste with mushroom n self blend tomato sauce
Place a slice of cheese on top
Toast it
And ta-da! It's yummy!!
Satisfied customer
My dinner :) self fry
Skyler is ONE
Posted by
on Thursday, July 28, 2011
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My baby has turned ONE on 25th Jul. Time really flies and now he is entering the toddler stage; no longer an infant. Thru this 1 yr, i see how he grew from a tiny bundle of a crying baby, to a walking toddler with a mind of his own. I see how he falls and learns to stand up again by himself. I see how he learns to do things such as picking up toys, laughing, crying, frowning and how his emotions grows to be more sophisticated. From toothless to now with 5 tiny baby teeth, from 3.3kg to 9.4kg and much more. My baby is growing everyday, learning new things and nv fail to amaze us with what he can do. His motor skills (he can sit, crawl and walk earlier than his peers) are developing at a faster pace than his oral skill (still waiting for him to call mama and papa properly). At 1 yr old he can:
- walk unassisted
- stand up from a sitting position unassisted
- is aware of curbs and stairs and knows how to be careful when walking over them
- has 5 teeth (2 on top and 3 below)
- say mumummu and papapappa repeating (with no particular meaning)
- weighs 9.4kg
Baby, Happy Birthday and continue to grow well and stay healthy. XOXO

Skyler's Big One
Posted by
on Sunday, July 24, 2011
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Just celebrated Skyler's 1st birthday yesterday. It was tiring and planning started months ago. Feels machiam like wedding, with all the ordering of cakes, brownies, cater, purchasing of decorations online, doing invitation list, sending 0ut e-invites and reminders and also booking a professional photographer. I got to know my photographer, Simon throught one of my mommy fren, Irene. He was also the PG who took for us the July Bday Bash celebration. Love the way he takes photos, how the photos turns out and the vibrant col0urs that is always associated with his photos (unlike some PG's work which I have viewed before and mosts blank and white (yes even for photos of babies)). Not only that, he is also a very easy going and handsome guy! Hehe.. He has his own photoblog and wrote a great piece on Skyler's Big One. You can view it via the link below.
Posted by
on Wednesday, July 20, 2011
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Jnu and Jul was a very very busy months for me. Lots of weddings and bday parties to attend. Nonetheless, its coming to a end soon and Skyler's 1st bday party is this sat! Have packed the goody bags last nite and ordered cater. Now left pumping the hand-held balloons and the helium balloons and collecting of his bday cake on the day itself. Oh ya, still have to get Skyler a pair of new shoe. Counting to the end of the month, I would be stopping bfing too. Looking forward to it and bye bye to the waking up early in the morning to pump or pumping while shopping.
Posted by
on Thursday, June 30, 2011
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Play yard
Posted by
on Sunday, June 26, 2011
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Poor Skyler
Posted by
on Friday, June 17, 2011
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Poor Skyler is sick again n poor mommy cos mommy got to handle a cranky bb in the middle of the nite... Zzzzz....this time round he is having running nose n cough. Must be the crazy weather recently. Measured his weight n height at Dr Agnes's clinic. At 10.5 mths, he weight 8.9kg n measured 74.5cm. Quickly get well soon k. Mommy wanna bring you to Royce on Monday with all your frens there :) As for the wedding lunch tml, u got to skip le. Gg over to po po's house to rest ya.

Medicines again. Hai....
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Medicines again. Hai....
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Yummy lunch
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Went for a long lunch today with my manager n colleagues at J-Pot Vivo. Always passed by but nv went in to eat before. The food is gd n so is the soup base.

Self mixed chilling sauce

Everything dumped in!

Simply love it's soup. Ordered an extra serving of instant noodles for the bal soup

Bottoms up!
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Self mixed chilling sauce
Everything dumped in!
Simply love it's soup. Ordered an extra serving of instant noodles for the bal soup
Bottoms up!
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Posted by
on Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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No vacation for the next 1 yr n I cant even complain about it. If i complain, i m not understanding enough n should have seen this coming. Hope u get a Best Employee Award from tat miserable management of urs.
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Books, books n more books
Posted by
on Thursday, June 09, 2011
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Skyler is already 10 mths plus n I haven't really start him on any books as yet. Reason being tat he is only interested in "eating" the book for now... his collection of books are just accumulating in the corner of his room w/o much usage.
Currently my Co is having a Save the Environment champaign n have setted up a booth to sell
2nd books donated by staffs. All books cost $1 each (sold cheaply so as to encourage ppl to buy n thereby achieving recycling purpose) or u can bring ur own book to do a one for one exchange. Must be environmental friendly ya.
Tapping on this opportunity, I bought 11 books for Skyler.

Managed to get very good buys as these books are actually very new! These cost $1 each n some of the books are touch n feel books which would cost at least $10+

Also got this big board book which even though I need to use scotch tape to attach some of the pages, it's still a good buy as it's original price is at $24.90.
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Currently my Co is having a Save the Environment champaign n have setted up a booth to sell
2nd books donated by staffs. All books cost $1 each (sold cheaply so as to encourage ppl to buy n thereby achieving recycling purpose) or u can bring ur own book to do a one for one exchange. Must be environmental friendly ya.
Tapping on this opportunity, I bought 11 books for Skyler.
Managed to get very good buys as these books are actually very new! These cost $1 each n some of the books are touch n feel books which would cost at least $10+
Also got this big board book which even though I need to use scotch tape to attach some of the pages, it's still a good buy as it's original price is at $24.90.
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Diapers pampers huggies
Posted by
on Saturday, May 28, 2011
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Just went to collect 10 packs of Huggies diapers at Cold Storage... In addition to this, I have 6 boxes of Pampers Active at home!! Call me KS but all these are bot at promo prices. Like my previous 2 boxes of pampers diapers , supposely it cost $47.89 for 2 boxes, but tyr cashier scanned wrongly n only charged me $32!!! Was so happy. And now huggies at cold storage having promo. Buy $100 worth of huggies products, you can redeem a Little Tikes BBQ Grill set worth $100+! How to resist such proving .

My loot!
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My loot!
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10 Mth milestone
Posted by
on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
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Another month gone! Still bfing :D Milestone for this month:
- Learnt to get off the bed butt first
- Spotted his 2nd tooth :)
- Still cruising around
- Start to be more vocal (but still haven call mama or papa yet)
Skyler is also currently on milk strike, drinking lesser than wat he normally drinks. Guess it's due to teething. Hope he will starts to feel better soon.
Tuesday lunchies
Posted by
on Tuesday, May 24, 2011
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Almost every Tuesday, I would meet up with my usual mommy gang for lunch. This week, we lunched at Out Of The Pan at Raffles City Shopping Center n we had a few more mommies joining us :)

8 mommies n 5 babies

Quite nice


Skyler thks aunty Marie for the nice cup from HK Disneyland! =D
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8 mommies n 5 babies
Quite nice
Skyler thks aunty Marie for the nice cup from HK Disneyland! =D
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Poor boy
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Poor Skyler. Still feeling uncomfortable n moanly. Brought him to PD n Dr said is viral infection. It's common among babies so now he is off normal fm n just on bm n soy based milk.

His eyes were closed cos of the flash from the cam

Poor boy. Feeling uncomfortable n moody
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His eyes were closed cos of the flash from the cam
Poor boy. Feeling uncomfortable n moody
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2nd tooth
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on Monday, May 23, 2011
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2nd tooth
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We r in for a rough nite tonight. S is having his 2nd tooth (yet to cut thru his gum) n this time round, he is having stomach upset, LS + can't stomach any food ie would puke after we feed him any solid. Plus he is also having slight fever. Poor boy. Can see tat he is VERY uncomfortable. Tried very hard to zzz but kept crying.. Hopefully this tooth will break thru soon n he will go back to normal.
Side track - Brought S to swim at Hillview n this time round my dad joined us. S is such a water bb (hopes he stays tat way) n love to "swim"! He wasn't afraid when I dung him into the water n from time to time, knows how to kick. He can even walked a few steps in the water unsupported. Think due to the water support, he can walk better in water.

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Side track - Brought S to swim at Hillview n this time round my dad joined us. S is such a water bb (hopes he stays tat way) n love to "swim"! He wasn't afraid when I dung him into the water n from time to time, knows how to kick. He can even walked a few steps in the water unsupported. Think due to the water support, he can walk better in water.
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Movie Marathon
Posted by
on Tuesday, May 17, 2011
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Decided tat we need some couple time, i went on leave last Friday as hubby was off. We dropped Skyler at my mom's place n went on a movie marathon! Really missed the times where we went for our usual movie dates n of cos my fav popcorn!!!
Watched Fast n Furious n The Lost Bladesman. FF is nice but the lost bladesman is a disappointment.

Yum yum!
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Watched Fast n Furious n The Lost Bladesman. FF is nice but the lost bladesman is a disappointment.
Yum yum!
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Updates updates
Posted by
on Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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I have a lot of backlog posts which I have yet to write, eg our Batam trip in early Apr and Skyler's first cruise trip in end Apr. Been so lazy :) Promised to write soon ya..
Happy Mother's Day!
Posted by
on Sunday, May 08, 2011
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Happy Mother's Day to all mommies/mommy to be!!! This is my very first yr celebrating mother's day. It marks another significant stage of my life, moving from single to married to pregnant n now being a mother. I am a person who loves children but the joy tat Skyler brought me is indescribable. Everyday at work, I would keep on lookg at the clock, willing it to go faster towards 530pm so tat i an rush back to hug my baby. No doubt its hard to take care of a bb, needing to wake up in the middle of the nite to pacify a crying baby, endure he endless energy, taking in his tantrum and caring for him when he is sick. But what makes everything worthwhile are: when he woke up in the morning or after his nap and sees me, he would give me his biggest and widest sunshine smile, when i returned from work and he ever ready wanting me to bao bao, his mischievous look when he knows he is in trouble, feeling sleepy and "yang oh", laugh when i play with him, his cute sleeping styles (i love to sit on my bed and just look at him sleeping) and many many more. Other than his hyper active-ness, Skyler has been an easy bb. He is very smiley, not a fussy eater (in fact its quite easy to feed him-hope he stays this way) and not afraid of strangers. Felt so blessed to have a child like him :D
Spent Mother's Day in a relatively quiet style. As hubby is working, we did not go out to celebrate. Went to Kuishinbo for dinner the nite before and hubby bought me an Awfully Chocolate cake :)