Finally, we have gotten the keys to our house and we are officially the slave of our flat :P need to start reno soon if not wont be in time for a "rest period" before junior is here..lots of things to do, lots of decision to make and lots of $$ to spend!!
My chilled durian..
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on Saturday, April 24, 2010
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SOMEONE ate my chilled durians!!!!!!!!! Gggggrrrrr..snatching food with pregnant woman....
Tired mom-to-be
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It has been a while since i last blogged. Been so tired lately and everyday after work, when i reached home, i am just trying my best to stay awake to finish my shower followed by an hr of bbplus before allowing myself to doze off. Am going into my 27th week tmr. In another week's time, i w0uld be officially in my last trimster. Times seems to fly! So fast it has alr been almost 7 mths..3 more mths to go...seems scary..lots of things to do before junior comes. Must get the house ready, buy all the stuffs (now only got bits and pieces of the necessary things). Nowadays, i am troubled by swollen feet, forever frequent toilet trips and just recently, leg cramps in the middle of the night..hai..per what ppl say, this is just the beginning...i should still thank god that i can at least get 3-4 hrs of undisturbed sleep at night.
Also, at first i tot that i am one of the earlier few among my peers to get pregnant. And boy was i wrong! ppl ard me are popping left, right, are at least 3 of my sec school mates that has popped or gg to pop before me in this year. And for my sept bride thread, 4 has already popped since Jan and 1 would be in the same mth as me. So, that makes 8 of my frens who had or is gg to pop in the same year as me :) so "ren nao" hahaha..
There are so many things to blog, yet i have no energy to do it. Went on a mini babymoon; cruise on superstar virgo to just too lazy to upload the photos :P haa..promise to do it when i have the energy to do it k. ok need to zzzz alr...nite...
Pig trotters
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on Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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I am now towards the end of my 2nd trimster and guess feet started to swell! At first i tot that this is too fast! Normally ppl only start to swell when they are in their last trim? But after doing some research on the net, its not that case at all. Some mummies start to swell as early as in the 1st trim and most would start to swell when they are in their 2nd trim. So i guess i am still normal bah. Here is what they say:
[Swelling During Pregnancy]
Swelling during pregnancy is quite common. In fact most if not all pregnant women will experience swelling during some part of their pregnancy. Some women tend to swell more than others.
During pregnancy your body will produce roughly 50% more blood and fluids than normal to accommodate your growing baby. This can contribute to swelling and bloating, but is important to help nourish and protect your baby. During pregnancy hormone fluctuations can also contribute to edema, which involves swelling of the hands, face, ankles, neck and other extremities.
Water retention during pregnancy helps keep our bodies flexible, allowing ample room for expansion during pregnancy. The extra fluid contained in the tissues and muscles of the body also help our joints prepare for labor and delivery. Water retention can contribute up to 25% of the weight gain women experience during pregnancy.
[What Increases Swelling During Pregnancy]
There are certain lifestyle habits that can contribute to swelling during pregnancy. Most women notice that swelling generally increases sometime during the second and third trimesters. Common causes of increased swelling include:
-Hot or humid conditions which can contribute to water retention.
-Not drinking enough water, which can trigger the body to retain fluid.
-Standing for long periods of time, which can cause the lower extremities to swell.
-Over consumption of diuretic foods like caffeine.
-High sodium intake from processed foods during the day.
[The Dangers of Swelling]
Swelling or normal edema of pregnancy is not dangerous. If however you suddenly begin to swell well into your second trimester, particularly in your hands and face, you may be developing preeclampsia. This is a serious condition that can be life threatening for the mother and baby. Preeclampsia typically results in high blood pressure during pregnancy. As your blood pressure increases your body retains more fluid and excretes protein into the urine. Some refer to this condition as pregnancy induced hypertension.
While most swelling is not the result of preeclampsia, it is important you contact your health care provider if you experience sudden swelling of the face and hands that results in more than a pound or two of weight gain in a short period of time. High blood pressure, bad headaches and seeing spots in front of the eyes are all other symptoms that you may have developed this condition. Your doctor can take prompt action to ensure your safety and that of your baby.
Treating Ordinary Swelling During PregnancyNormal pregnancy induced edema is treated many different ways. The best thing you can do to minimize swelling is drink plenty of fluids and eat foods low in sodium and high in potassium. Here are some other steps to take to help minimize swelling during pregnancy:
-Keep moving throughout the day. If you have to stand for long periods, shift your weight between your legs and stretch your legs periodically.
-Wear support hose to help promote circulation in your legs.
-Exercise regularly if possible.
-When sitting or resting, elevate your feet and legs to reduce swelling.
-Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight or uncomfortable.
-Wear flats if possible.
-Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help reduce water retention.
Pregnancy massage may also help relieve some of the swelling associated with pregnancy, not to mention it feels great and helps you relax! What better an excuse to pamper yourself for a day or so. Remember, while swelling is a normal part of pregnancy, there are plenty of steps you can take to minimize your discomfort and ensure the health and well being of your baby.
Forgetful is my thing now
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on Tuesday, April 06, 2010
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Let me see..what have i forgotten in just 2 days:
1) Forgotten to submit my timesheet (due on 1 Apr)
2) Forgotten to make arrangement for stat audit (total Louise that i gg to call today, but totally forgot about it until she calls me and ask for updates)
3) Forgotten to go for my course yesterday
4) Telling client i will email her the doc after putting down the phone..but in the end went to do other things and forgot to send to her.
Thats the amount of things which i have forgotten to do in just 2 days. Think i need ginko nuts...
On a separate note..looking fwd to our babymoon this weekend! :D
Gynae visit
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on Monday, April 05, 2010
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Just came back another gynae visit. Junior at 24 weeks, weighing at 700g. Dr Yam said the weight is ok and by measuring junior's thigh bone, he said junior is gg to be a tall bb just like his mama and papa :D ok, good for boys to be tall. Next time easier to find
During each gynae visit, the nurse will weigh us. In the last mth, i gained 3 kg! far i have already put on 9kg..faint...per Dr Yam, a healthy pregnancy weight gain should be between 12-16 kg.. max another 7kg for me and i am left with 4 more mths..which means i am only allowed to put on about 1.5kg per mth! Think i am gg to be overweight!! But Dr Yam is very encouraging. I was complaining away about my weight gain to him, but he said its all right and dun go dieting because of being afraid to put on too much. Have heard from some other mommies in the forum that when they put on 3 kg/mth, their gynae told them to watch wat they are eating..thus making them very stress. Even thou its very nice of Dr Yam to be so encouraging, but still i really need to exercise some self control here. Not that i am gg on diet, but i need to control myself from snacking!
And officially now, my wedding ring has become so tight that i just gave up on trying to wear it.. sob sob..
Time flies
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I am now in my 24th weeks, ie 6 mths of pregnancy. Time really flies. It seems like yesterday when i found out about my pregnancy. Now 6 mths has passed and in another 2 more weeks i would be going into my 3rd trim already. There are still so many things which we have not buy. But even if we buy now, there is no space to keep. Thus still need to wait till we move into our own hosue before really getting everything. Now what we have are just bits and pieces here and there. Also my memory is really getting from bad to worse! Like this morning, suppose to go for a course, but i totally forgot about it, until i was checking my email and saw the reminder...duhz...
Alot of ppl kept asking me how am i feeling now. To be true, i felt scare and nervous now. Hopefully will feel more secure after we attended our antenatal course and when we move into our own house and get everything ready. Anyway, i have alr booked my maternity and new born photoshoot package. Its a 1+1 package. Hopefully i wont look too fat when i am taking my maternity shoot :P
Maternity Journal II
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on Friday, April 02, 2010
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Universal Studio
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When the Universal Studio at Sentosa was still building, i was always telling hubby i wanted to go for the roller coaster ride (the racing roller coaster. Cant remember its name)..but then when junior comes along, all hope was dashed..have to wait for at least a few more years before i would be able to go... So anyway, when hubby's company subsidised a huge part of the entrance fee (the only need to pay $15 and in return they got $10 food voucher and $5 retail voucher. So effectively, the entrance fee is free) for them, hubby of cos couldnt let the opportunity slip, so he went with his colleagues last monday..ya without sad right..hai ... but anyway, he took some photos.
My Maternity Journal
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I have been looking for an album to keep the scanned pics of junior for a very long time. At first was thinking of doing up a scrap book. But as the scanned pics are done on thermal papers, thus i couldnt laminate the pics (will melt the pics in the process of the lamination), thus need to find those adhesive album so that at least there would be a layer of protection over the pics and hopefully they wont fade so easily. To my suprise, looking for a nice middle size and adhesive album isnt that easy! Took me quite a while before i found it and the designs are just those plain ones. Saw a few at Popular but those are the large adhesive albums with kiddy pics as the cover. So at first am thinking to make do with the plain design ones. But we wanna know the sex of junior first before getting the right colour, thus didnt buy it until after my detailed scan.
Thus last tuesday, i went over to Pageone (at vivo), planning to get the blue colour album. I was searching the shelf where i saw a "Maternity Journal"! Didnt know that such journal exist! At least it wasnt there went i first went to search for the album a few mths back. Straight away i knew this is the one which i wanna get! The journal is complete with pages where you can document your pregnancy details, from the start to week by week till after the bb is born. Best still, on every alternate page, there is a adhesive photo page for your to stick your photos! :) So happy that i saw this journal.
Discomfort conditions of a pregger
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on Thursday, April 01, 2010
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Was reading a pregenancy website and found the following conditions for a pregger. Out of 16 conditions, i have already experienced 12 of them :
1) Itchy Skin - As your skin stretch, it becomes dry and itchy (Yes)
2) Frequent urination - Your growing uterus presses on your bladder (Yes)
3) Water retention (No or not yet? Hopefully no :P)
4) Varicose veins - valves that propel blood soften, causing blood to pool and cause painful bulges (No)
5) Fatigue (Yes)
6) Leg cramps (Yes)
7) Round-Ligaments pain - Your ligaments stretch to support the growing weight of your womb, causing sharp pains from the top of your uterus down to your pubic bone (No)
8) Hemorrhoids - These swollen rectal veins results from hard-to-pass bowel movements (No)
9) Backaches (Yes)
10) Increased viginal discharge (Yes)
11) Digestive problems (Yes)
12) Nausea (Yes, but seldom)
13) Heartburn (Yes)
14) Tender breast (Yes)
15) Headaches (Yes)
16) Nasal congestion (Yes)
1) Itchy Skin - As your skin stretch, it becomes dry and itchy (Yes)
2) Frequent urination - Your growing uterus presses on your bladder (Yes)
3) Water retention (No or not yet? Hopefully no :P)
4) Varicose veins - valves that propel blood soften, causing blood to pool and cause painful bulges (No)
5) Fatigue (Yes)
6) Leg cramps (Yes)
7) Round-Ligaments pain - Your ligaments stretch to support the growing weight of your womb, causing sharp pains from the top of your uterus down to your pubic bone (No)
8) Hemorrhoids - These swollen rectal veins results from hard-to-pass bowel movements (No)
9) Backaches (Yes)
10) Increased viginal discharge (Yes)
11) Digestive problems (Yes)
12) Nausea (Yes, but seldom)
13) Heartburn (Yes)
14) Tender breast (Yes)
15) Headaches (Yes)
16) Nasal congestion (Yes)