New blog skin
SMH gathering
Finally the mystery has been solved! And i am carrying........ a BOY! After such a loonnngg wait, we can finally start to buy things for junior, offically in blue. :P Went for my detailed scan on monday at NUH (the same place where i had my oscar test during week 12th). The wait wasnt as long as the previous one but the scan was much longer. It took us a total of 40 mins to finish the scan as the sonographer needs to get measurement from head to toes and when she was trying to scan junior's face, he was in a wrong position and simply refuse to turn. Haaa... we tried shaking the tummy (gently of cos), me lying on my sides (first left side , then right side) and when nothing works, my sonographer ask me to take a break and she walked out of the room for a kept telling junior to be guai and pls turn and ended up he really did in the end, except that now he is using his hand to cover his face..faint.... my sonographer continues to scan for other parts before coming back to his face..hahha... so we got a very shy boy who refuse to face the camera.
So, after the reveal of the mystery, our next task would be thinking of name... actually I drag this process...and i simply got no idea what to call junior..any suggest anybody? Would only be thinking of christian name for now. Cos we need to date and time of delivery before deciding on the chinese name.
BB fair at expo
4 packs of Huggies Ultra (2 for my sis and 2 are mine)
With 4 packs purchased of huggies, they gave us a free "fishing" toy
A very cute bottle of honey and yes! we can bring it home..or..secretly bring it home :P
That cup thingy is actually very delicious durian puree
And lastly, my fav : ice cream! Did you realise i am no longer wearing my proposal ring? Sad to say, i have "out grow" it...sob no longer fits me. Luckily for my wedding ring, i made a size bigger than my proposal ring..thus still able to wear..
Taka fair

Since i am on MC and hubby is off today, we dont want to waste the day and go home to sleep (even thou thats very much what i wanted to do!), thus after that, we headed down to suntec for the IT fair. After 2 hrs of additional walking, we finally bought the TV for our new house and a hi-fi set. By the end of the day, satisfied with our purchase but my back is almost till the breaking point..painful.. one more fair to go this mth, thats the Expo bb fair next sat! Gambateh!
Things to buy

CNY celebration
After the heavy lunch, we settled down to a game of Blackjacks. Considering the fact that i nv really won any rounds when gambling during CNY in my previous years, so i guess this could be due to bb luck :P

Law has to work, thus he only joined us at about 10pm+. Warning, if you have just finished a meal, better dun stroll further...the pics below might make u puke.... see at ur own risk...haha!
Wang Ying Xiang Wu Lian Pai (taiwan style consecutive shots):