How time just seemed like yesterday when i am busy preparing for my wedding, getting excited as the day draws nearer and looking forward to my big day and to the honeymoon which follows..and tmr, i am going back to work already. My 1 mth leave seems very long to other ppl, but to me, i felt that its too short. After coming back from our honeymoon, I was busy stocking up things at Law's place. Now i got 2 sets of facial products (1 at my own house and 1 at his), comestics, shampoos, clothings, shoes etc. Other than doing all these, i also received calls from office (as they know that i am back from my honeymoon - via facebook, due to my posting). And on the last week of my leave, my grandma in-law passed away. Thus we were at the wake for all the 5 days, attending to the ppl who came to pay respect and also to attend to my hubby, who is griefing for his grandma.
Actually, its thru this funeral that i really see myself as married (didnt have this feeling at all after our AD). I am now a part of Law's HUGE family. There are altogether 69 members (including me) in Law's dad's side of the family. This is not suprising as his grandma has 7 sons and 7 daughters and each family have about 2-3 kids, whereby some of them are already married and in turn, have their own kids.
As there are 69 members in the family, can u imagine the amount of guests who came to the wake each night? And when we were doing the rituals, there was almost not enough space for us to stand. But one thing good about such big family is that, we get things done very fast. When i mean very, its really VERY. Tables were laid on whole level of the void deck (we estimated that there are roughly 40 tables). This was done in just a mere 10 mins, with the tables setup, complete with 8 chairs per table in place, white table cloths, a plate of peanuts, sweets and packet drinks per table. Numerous blankets and wreaths were also received.
I met my grandma in-law for a few times only. The first time was during CNY 3 years back. Then towards the end of last year, she was sick and was hospitalised. We had visited her a couple of times in the hospital after which she has been transferred to the nursing home so that its easier to take care of her. For some of us (at least for me), this funeral is a happy occassion. She has been sufferring for more than a yr and towards the end, according to my uncle (inlaw), she was just holding on to witness our wedding....according to him, a few weeks before our wedding, my grandma in-law has been crying. As she couldnt speak at that time, they could only throw her qns and see if thats what she was worrying about. Apparently, she wanted to get me a gift for our wedding. Its her practice to get gifts for all the "xi-fu". After my uncle helped her to get one and showed it to her, she was grinning ear to ear... itt almost broke out heart when we hear that from my uncle and the biggest regret that we had is that we didnt visit her after we came back from our honeymoon...... She couldnt speak or move and have to be fed via a tube throught her nose. She has been suffering for so long thus we felt that its better for her to move on ... at least she is not suffering anymore. The candles at the wake is red and not white. This means that she has a good life and have lived up to a old age with lots of descendants.

Total of about 30 wreaths received.
The towel banners were hanged along the main road and stretched from one end all the way to the other.
The 2nd pc.
This photo was taken before the lid the fire to buy the house, cars and money for my grandma in-law. They super impose a pic of her at the top.
On the last night for the wake, all the cousins stayed back and did a banner make out of flower stalks and flowers from the wrealths received. My this group of new cousins comes from all trade with a few of them in designing, art and photography.
Very creative right!
A close up shot.