So sad....
The Zoo encounter
Then the right view and
At LAST! The front view!! haha
With granny
At last the polar showed itself
The bear in action
Some other animals that we saw:
Gross isnt it! Yucky!!
After zoo, met up with law and headed to Zion Road's mkt for my favourite prawn noodles! Its the best i ever had with their power soup and power chilli!
Simply irresistable!!
After that, went to catch Ah Long Pte Ltd. If you need a good laugh, thats definitely the show to watch. :D
Dinner treat from Law
After dinner, ah dear got us tickets for Song of the Sea, so off we went :D
This is my second time watching Song of The Sea. Its the new musical fountain and now it cost $6 per entry. Think Trishelle enjoyed the show totally with the music and visual effects :D Thanks dear for the treat :)
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Haa and my colleagues insisted that i must take a pic at my paisei
Didnt really plan anything for the day but as ah dear is off today, we met for dinner.


Here are some other pics:

Lobster with spaghetti and mash potatoes
Raw salmon (my favourite) and swordfish
Makis. There are "hidden" wasabi in the pickles maki, and this is how ah dear looks when he ate one!
Very mint!!
There are really tears coming out of his eyes.
It cost us $33 for 1 small bottle! About 4 small cups worth of Sake. The waitress then poured the sake into a glass bottle that has a hole (from the outside) in the middle so that it can hold ice wihout diluting the sake. Cool huh.hehe

We also had 2 cups of Chawamushi each. Simply love their chawamushi, very tasty. Was already bursting when the dessert came.
Not sure what is it. But tasted funny.
My present: 1 very sweet card plus a bottle of Xiang Shi Dou...haha
CNY 3rd day
CNY 2nd day
Yu Sheng is a must
And followed by other tim sum dishes
Due to the number of us, we have to get 2 tables. At my table is my family and aunty Julie's family
Haa..think aunty Julie is camera shy! With her daughter from the left, Francine, Francesa, aunty Julie and Uncle Ron.
My mom and dad
Sis and family
Went to watch CJ 7 in the evening. I quite like the show, but Law said its too disappointing.