Went to celebrate Ah Guat's bday on last friday at Velvet. Has been a tiring day...have to entertain my manager for the whole of the morning and in the afternoon have to rush down to client's place to pull my juniors pulled out (meaning last day on job, so have to go dwn and finalised everything with client and bring back all the files). Meet up with Law and Xuehui for dinner before gg dwn to Velvet.
Only when reaching then Xuehui mentioned that Citibank credit card holders can have free entry! I just received my card a few days ago!! But was too busy, thus never open the letter!! Aaarrrgghhh...... But anyway, had a great night! Been quite some time since i last went dancing..lol...even though i was dead tired when i reached there and was wearing contact lens, i still manage to stay awake til 4am! Below are some pics that we took.
Xuehui and i
After some drinks, we are pretty high and is getting all cracked up....thus the following silly photos:Shot 1

Shot 2

Shot 3
Shot 4
Now for some better photos:
Xuehui, me and CandiceAh Guat's bday kiss ..MUACK!!

Xuehui, me and Eric
The gals in black....
And finally a group pic with all the gals