Bernard and Guo Guang would be opening an online shopping sites whereby they would sell bags that they have gotten overseas. Thus yesterday, Law and i went over to help them take pics of ALL the bags to be put up in their site. Seriously speaking, their bags are quite good and they are very professional. They even went to buy valvet cloth to use as backdrop.

Bernard trying to make the handle of the bags to stand.

Our photographer

Bernard with the black backdrop
Cant resist the temptation after going thru the 80+ bags and in the end i got myself 1.

It took us about 5 hrs+ to finish all the bags! After the whole photo taking episode, everyone was hungry and tired, thus we went to the ever famous hawker store near his place to eat chicken wings. The store was closed the previous few times that we went there. But luckily it was open yesterday and we dun need to find alternative source of food.
After dinner, Law fetched me to Boat Quay, afterwhich he went back to join Bernard and gang for a round of chit chatting. As it was Serene's bday, they held a mini celebration for her at Mini Pub. Haa, remind me next time if its my bday, never agree to celebrate it in a pub/disco or what-so-ever...cos your fren would never miss the chance of getting you drunk. Luckily for me, i have told them before hand that i couldnt drink much, thus most of my "forfeit" drinks are being deal with by serene and her colleagues (thanks guys for helping me drink) But of cos i am not the "zu jiao" here thus they are still willing to help me drink :P For the whole night, they are playing a game called 350, whereby you are suppose to shake 7 dices at 1 go. In each tries, if there is a 1 or 5, you are suppose to take the dices out and to reshake the rest. Dice with a pt of 1 = 100 and 5 = 50. The aim of the game is to get at least 350 pts before you can pass the dice to the next player. At the beginning of the game, a drink would be mixed by the first player. Thus him/her could decide how much chivas or green tea or ice to put into the cup. In the even that after you have "shake" a round of dices and no 1 or 5 came up, that means you loose and have to drink. And when u get 500 pts in your round of shaking, you can further add alcohol into the drink. They have set a new rule last night that in the event 7 5s shown up in the "shake", all suppose to drink 1 cup each!!! It sounds hard to achieve right, but this scenario has turned up quite a few times last night! Thus before long, Serene got real drunk and went to puke, leaving me with her colleagues. Luckily her colleagues are a fun bunch and they are not boring at all. :)

The "lucky" 7 of 5s
Law came to pick me up at ard 2am. Bernard and him had decided to go to Loyang to pray pray, thus i decided to tag along. This is my second time there. The first time was with Law's sec school frens. But can see Bernard knows more of such staffs than Law's sec school frens as he is able to tell us the sequence of praying the various gods in the template. Reached home ard 4am+....dead tired....
Oh ya, and in the afternoon, on our way to Bernard, we saw this motorist with a "weird" box attached to his end of motor.

If you click on the pic and look at the box, u can see there are altogether 7 dinosaurs attached to the box together with 2 yellow duckies in the middle and a few trees to decorate the surrounding!!! *faints*