Today i finally went to Pulau Hanti to dive. Its my virgin dive in local waters!! Had prepared for the worst as visibility is quite bad in Singapore and whats more, it has been raining since morning. Cant find my new weight belt (the pink one!), thus called Asha and asked him to bring for me...
There are 9 divers today and i am the only gal! Haha..seems like guys are more into this??
Ricking up the gears while the rest of us
On the way there
My new head band to keep my hair in place while underwater
The gang

After the dives
The dives are not as bad as i thought it would be. At least we did see Sting Ray, some fishes, swimming sea slug and gaint sea uchin. But there is a little hippcup during the first dive..that is, i lost my buddy! One second he was there and the next he was gone!! I started to panic, cos in such water, its not "fun" to loose ur buddy. As we were diving with Kaz (our dive master), he and i re-track our way, hoping to "see" law...but after a min or two of seeing nothing (not even fishes), we decided to surface up...luckily saw law on the boat!! Gave me such a scare! He couldnt stay down (in the water) cos he didnt carry enough weighs and thus kept floating up...dear, next time believe what i tell you ok...when i say u need 6 pcs of weighs mean 6 pcs, dun argue with me :P
The second dive was better. This time i cling on to him, making sure we dun loose each other again. But think i hold on to the wrong thing, cos after when we surface up, he said i kept pulling at his regulator (the mouth piece which provides u with the air)..opps...sorry!
As visibility was not good, thus didnt bring my cam down and so no underwater pcs. But after today, i can proudly say," I dive in local waters before!!"